
Global CannaVigilance Cannabis News 2023 / 13

June 21, 2023 | Category : Global CannaVigilance | Posted By : Team Cannavigia

We handpicked some news highlights from the cannabis industry around the globe. This article covers topics from 07/06 to 21/06/2023.

Luxembourg Parliament to Vote on Cannabis Legalisation: Key Details Revealed

Luxembourg’s parliament will vote on adult use and home growing during their session of the week of 26 June. Two producers and 14 sales points would get the go-ahead across the country under the new plans. The government has made their plans available at this website.

Australian States Consider Cannabis Legalisation

Three Australian states were presented with legalisation legislation on 20 June. There is a firm belief that a change in at least one of the three states is very possible.

Challenging Cannabis Legislation – France seeks EU Ban on CBD in Cosmetics

France has filed a request with the EU to ban all CBD in cosmetics. The attempt is based on slightly contradictory EU laws which the French is using in their battle to stay in the 20th century with regards to cannabis legislation. 

Eswatini’s Rocky Road to Cannabis Legalisation: A Kingdom of High-Quality Cultivation

Eswatini is off to a rocky start discussing the road to legalisation. The country, run by Africa’s last absolute monarch and a rubber stamp parliament, has a long history of growing high-quality cannabis. (As a special bonus about the perils of growing cannabis in the kingdom, here’s a piece about the danger of snakes).

Cannabis Offers Relief for Tourette Syndrome

A peer-reviewed study has found that cannabis is helpful to Tourette-syndrome patients. Researchers have found that medical marijuana can effectively curb the impairing effects of Tourette syndrome and improve the quality of life of patients.

Breakthrough Discovery: Cannabidiol Found in Common Brazilian Plant

Scientists have discovered cannabidiol in a common Brazilian plant, opening potential new avenues to produce the increasingly popular substance. The team found CBD in the fruits and flowers of a plant known as Trema micrantha blume, a shrub which grows across much of the South American country and is often considered a weed. 

Norway Discovers Massive Phosphate Deposit, Expanding Resource Portfolio

In good news for phosphate fans, Norway has discovered a huge deposit. They have added this to their long list of things that they claim, like huge oil and gas deposits, the Nobel peace prize, death metal and the world’s most successful Winter Olympics team.


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