Marry Jane is a Swiss company specialising in CBD flowers. Founded in 2017, the team now cultivates flowers for wholesale customers and end consumers in the largest CBD facility in Switzerland, offering customers everything from cuttings production to finished product. The company manages three shops in Switzerland as well as nine shops in Germany and one in Spain. Marry Jane's goal is to offer their customers CBD of the highest quality and to continuously improve their products. 

Marry Jane has been a Cannavigia customer for over two years and uses the software as well as the consulting services. We spoke to Mischa Gribi, co-founder and Martin Sandmann, product manager, from Marry Jane about their company, their goals, the Swiss cannabis industry and Marry Jane’s road to GACP. 

What do you do at Marry Jane and what are your backgrounds?  

Martin: I am a trained master gardener, from the ornamental plant construction sector, and have worked in various large nurseries in the past. At Marry Jane I am responsible for the production of the cuttings up to the packaged flower.  

Mischa: I am one of the founders of Marry Jane, originally a trained computer scientist. I mainly take care of the administrative tasks at Marry Jane.

How did Marry Jane come into being?  

Mischa: I already had a CBD shop in Zurich, my partners in Basel and Bern. Together we then decided to found Marry Jane and in no time we started production. We already had relationships, we had the genetics and the motivation to design and build everything ourselves. Eventually, we visited every European fair and were one of the first to offer buds under 0.2% THC in Europe. We grew quickly and made a name for ourselves in the B2B market.

Accordingly, we built up a distribution network and our production didn't keep up at first. Then, in 2020, with the help of investors, we built the largest CBD facility in Switzerland. 

How do you ensure that your products are always produced at the same high quality?  

Mischa: We produce indoors, our flowers are grown in indoor boxes that are air-conditioned and CO2 fumigated. We are not dependent on the outside temperature, we can always create the same climate conditions. And in addition, with Cannavigia we can track everything that is done.  

How do you see the Swiss cannabis industry compared to other countries?  

Mischa: Switzerland is quite progressive because we have politically stable decisions. Although there is some lack of clarity in Switzerland, for example with oils, in other countries there are more ambiguities and the back and forth with regulatory requirements is higher. So in Switzerland you can plan better and you have a more stable environment for the whole CBD market.  

Is there anything that Switzerland can still learn?  

Mischa: I think Switzerland can still be a bit more courageous. On the THC issue, I don't think Switzerland will be a pioneer. One could be more daring to take one's own line, which seems right for Switzerland, and not just wait and see. 

Back to Marry Jane: What are goals for the future? What are current projects?   

Mischa: We want to expand the B2C market. Currently we have 90% B2B customers, mainly in Switzerland, but also in France, Austria, Spain, Germany and the Czech Republic, where we also have a distribution centre. 10% are B2C customers, which we cover with our shops in Switzerland, Germany and Spain. We would like to expand our products here. On the other hand, we want to grow medicinal THC cannabis, where we still have to cope with the GACP guidelines.  

The Cannavigia consulting team helps you with GACP compliance. How did this collaboration come about?  

Mischa: We were introduced to each other and we liked the idea of the software to implement all the tracking, even though it is not an official requirement yet. Even with the first cannabis rooms, we were looking at guidelines that were not yet required by the authorities. We liked that about Cannavigia as well. And for complying with the GACP guidelines, we found a constructive partner in Cannavigia. 

How does Cannavigia help you with GACP?  

Martin: With the help of Cannavigia, I have mainly written work instructions for our processes, which are now mostly completed. These still need to be refined and translated. Cannavigia gave me tasks that I had to complete by the next day or week. That was a great collaboration. 

Mischa: Cannavigia and their Head of Consulting Elias Galantay have accompanied us since the beginning of the project and showed us what we were still missing, what was needed, what had to be paid attention to and what not. We started with weekly meetings and are now close to the audit and hopefully soon GACP-certified.   

What will change with GACP?  

Mischa: Training new employees will certainly be easier and there will be fewer error deviations. And already the process of creating the work instructions was helpful because you could improve processes there. The plant is still growing, it is simply better documented. 

Find the Case Study here.

Do you need assistance with GACP compliance? Our Cannavigia Consulting team will be happy to help - contact us today