
Global CannaVigilance Cannabis Newsletter 2022 / 24

November 24, 2022 | Category : Global CannaVigilance | Posted By : Team Cannavigia

Hello friends of CannaVigilance,  

Today is 23 November, day number 327 of 2022. It’s 38 days to the end of the year. Today is the anniversary of the Rose Revolution in Georgia, the release day of The Wall and Doggystyle and also the day on which World of Warcraft and Nintendo’s Gameboy Color was released. It’s also the birthday of both Miley Cyrus and Nicolas Maduro. History makes for strange bedfellows. Speaking of history and watching the evolution of cannabis legalisation unrolling around us, we have plenty to discuss this week.  

Data Security

The Americans have Fort Knox, traditionally claimed to be the most impenetrable place in the world. The European Union has its GDPR data protection laws, the most impenetrable data storage system in the world. Learn more about the EU laws on data protection and why they are important for Cannavigia and our clients’ safety and security when using our cannabis compliance software.   

Read the article here 

Cannabis Expo South Africa and Cumbre Nacional de Cannabis y Canamo 

Both South Africa and Colombia had their last cannabis get togethers for the year. The Colombian one was a very specialised affair focusing on smaller, local growers and easing them into the international market whereas the South African one was a Pan-African affair in Johannesburg where the diaspora got together to plan the future. Our respective representatives there, Wesley Petzer (South Africa) and Andres Nitola (Colombia), will be giving us an overview of what happened at the conventions, talk about the broader continent’s happenings, how they see the future roll-out over the next few months and Cannavigia’s role in these get-togethers in our next newsletter.  

Asia International Hemp Expo 

Next week our CEO, Luc Richner, and Business Development Manager, Micheline Widler, will be attending the Asia International Hemp Expo. Would you like to meet them in Bangkok? Arrange a meeting via the link below or stop by our stand C11 to say hello:    

A vigilant eye on cannabis news 

  • The New York Times is asking when the cannabis laws in Thailand will be revoked, France24 is asking if Thailand will be the next Amsterdam for tourists and Marketscreener is writing about the political backlash against the Thai cannabis laws. With legislation currently on hold, sales and usage of cannabis continues with more or less little to no oversight, The Phuket News is reporting minor changes to the rules that includes the license price and online selling. There is no indication when the deadlock will be resolved.  
  • Judging by the popularity of the “smoke machine” at the Johannesburg Cannabis Expo last weekend, one would have presumed that South Africa’s first clinical cannabis trial would have a long queue of volunteers. This is apparently not the case. The study whose aim it is to see if cannabis can be a replacement for opiates, will be a year long and will be monitored by South Africa’s Department of Health and the South African Medical Research Council.
  • Malta’s first chair of the newly-created Authority for the Responsible Use of Cannabis, Mariella Dimech has announced that her services have been terminated by the home affairs ministry, 10 months after her appointment. Her initial appointment was for three years. As yet there is no indication of her replacement. 
  • In our “Karen of the Week”- post, a senior German opposition official lobbied the European Union to block the German government’s plans to decriminalise the possession of limited amounts of cannabis and allow its sale for recreational purposes. The health minister in Bavaria’s conservative-led state government, Klaus Holetschek, met the EU’s director-general for migration and home affairs, Monique Paria in Brussels and urged an EU veto.  
  • Klaus Holetschek may not want the people in Bavaria to enjoy the benefits of cannabis, but there were ten happy cows for 28 days in Münster recently. Researchers from (deep breath) The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment and the Chemical and Veterinary Analytical Institute Münsterland-Emscher-Lippe, fed the cows industrial hemp to find out if it will produce THC in their milk. Surprising no-one (except perhaps the researchers) the results were positive. 

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